My test tiles yielded a few things I thought worth trying. There’s a show coming up that’s about using the recycled iron and/or manganese from Clean Creek Products. Normally, brown is not high on my color favorites list. On majolica glaze, iron is just… brown. So, I was looking for something richer. Amber? Rust? One of my test was a nice mottled

rust-to-cream and showed darker slips. I tried a few pieces and really enjoyed my Skutt Glaze Tech little kiln – big enough to fit a serving dish and some other things in a load, but small enough that I can fire it every day or 2 and see the results before I commit to more work.
As often happens, I think I liked it best in the greenware state. Happy enough with the glaze results, though, but the color and value rangesĀ are more subdued with the golden iron glaze over all.