Glaze name: 1 2 3 Clear

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Shiny or Glossy
Color: Transparent Clear
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          50.0       50.00
EPK                      33.3       33.33
Silica                   16.7       16.67
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


quantities are given in 'parts' but not stated whether this is parts
by weight or volume submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: Alligator Raku

Glaze type: Raku (Copper luster)
Cone: 06-04
Firing: Raku
Transparency: Opaque
Date: 01/10/01

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Bone ash                 20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt oxide              2.0        2.00


From Clay Times article v.6 no.6 Nov/Dec.2000, p24. Marcia Selsor recipe.
Fire til smooth. Reduce.

Glaze name: Alligator Raku Variation

Glaze type: Raku (Copper luster)
Cone: 06-04
Firing: Raku
Transparency: Opaque
Date: 01/10/01

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          57.0       57.00
Bone ash                 29.0       29.00
Nepheline syenite        14.0       14.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         14.0       14.00


Glaze name: Andy's Blue Pharoah

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Glossy or shiny
Color: Transparent Blue Green
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/15/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Sodium bicarbonate       26.3       26.30
Soda ash                 26.3       26.30
Gerstley borate          31.6       31.60
Frit 5301                15.8       15.80
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Ultrox                   10.0       10.00
Copper carbonate          3.0        3.00
Cobalt carbonate          0.2        0.20


From a University of Georgia class handout on glaze & clay from Andy

Glaze name: Base Glaze

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 06
Firing: Raku
Color: Yellow
Date: 08/09/2003

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               80.0       80.00
Nepheline syenite        20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Variations --
Creamy yello + 5 iron oxide
Black +8% black stain
Blue + .5 Cobalt carb + 2% iron
Purple Amber + manganese diox 1.5% + 0.l cobalt ox

Glaze name: Black Raku

Glaze type: Ca B
Cone: 08 - 04
Firing: Raku
Color: Black
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/14/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

EPK                       5.0      400.00
Colemanite               80.0     6400.00
Nepheline Sye            10.0      800.00
Flint                     5.0      400.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0     8000.00

Also add:

Zircopax                  1.0       80.00
Iron oxide                3.0      240.00
Cobalt oxide              2.0      160.00
Copper oxide              2.0      160.00


1971 Glaze Type: Ca B. Opacity: . Firing type: Raku .Cone range a

Glaze name: Blue Black Purple

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Color: silver blue to silver bronze
Testing: Untested
Date: 08/01/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          50.0      250.00
Nepheline syenite        50.0      250.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      500.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         50.0      250.00
Rutile                   50.0      250.00


> ClayArt Listserv recipe < If you find this glaze useful, please
consider submitting it to the GlazeBase project with full
documentation. Use one of the GlazeBase submission formats available
on the CeramicsWeb web page.

comments: NOTE that recipe is in parts - not stated whether that's
parts by weight or volume This is to LJ in Alexandria and anyone else
interested in raku glazes. We have been using these two glazes along
with white crackle and copper wash and have gotten VERY NICE results.
Apply 1 coat. Stie glaze with each brush stroke to keep rutile in
suspension. Our raku kiln is fired between 1830 and 1900 degrees.
Reduce in very heavy pine needles, broken pine cones and some
sawdust. The surface effect is like a 100 grit sandpaper. Colors
range from a silver blue to silver/bronze with flashes of color that
can run the full spectrum. Lots of bright teal and purple with halos
of fuschia and mustard. Every now and then I get splotches of tomato
red! Can be refired over and over until you love it or ugly it too
death!! submitted by: Debbie Altschwager e-mail:

Glaze name: Blue Black Purple

Glaze type: Ca B MidRoad
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Color: silver blue to silver bronze
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          50.0       50.00
Nepheline syenite        50.0       50.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         50.0       50.00
Rutile                   50.0       50.00


NOTE that recipe is in parts - not stated whether that's parts by
weight or volume This is to LJ in Alexandria and anyone else
interested in raku glazes. We have been using these two glazes along
with white crackle and copper wash and have gotten VERY NICE results.
Apply 1 coat. Stie glaze with each brush stroke to keep rutile in
suspension. Our raku kiln is fired between 1830 and 1900 degrees.
Reduce in very heavy pine needles, broken pine cones and some
sawdust. The surface effect is like a 100 grit sandpaper. Colors
range from a silver blue to silver/bronze with flashes of color that
can run the full spectrum. Lots of bright teal and purple with halos
of fuschia and mustard. Every now and then I get splotches of tomato
red! Can be refired over and over until you love it or ugly it too
death!! submitted by: Debbie Altschwager e-mail:

Glaze name: Blue Hawaiian Copper

Cone: 06
Firing: Raku
Color: blue-green
Date: 3/26/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Bone ash                 20.0       20.00
Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Tin oxide                 1.3        1.30
Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt oxide              2.5        2.50


in CM Feburary 95 page
20 - Hawaiian Copper Blue Raku Glaze. submitted by: Cheryl Brown
e-mail: source for original recipe: Ceramics

Glaze name: Blue Raku

Glaze type: Na Ca B
Cone: 08 - 04
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Shiny or Glossy
Color: Blue
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/14/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

EPK                       5.0      400.00
Frit 3110                65.0     5200.00
Colemanite               20.0     1600.00
Flint                     5.0      400.00
Soda ash                  5.0      400.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0     8000.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          3.0      240.00


1971 Glaze Type: Na Ca B. Opacity: . Firing type: Raku .Cone range a

Glaze name: burgundy red Very dry matt

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: dry matte
Transparency: Opaque
Color: burgandy red
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          50.0       50.00
Nepheline syenite        20.0       20.00
Talc                     30.0       30.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          3.0        3.00


I saw a woman firing raku, five years ago or so, using this glaze and
it came out a lovely burgundy matt. I just recently got my raku kiln
up and running and my first try with this recipe yielded a glossy
green:-? It was suggested to me to fire it to a lower temp and to
reduce it in a smaller chamber. At any rate, this is the recipe and
any other suggestions to make it work would be welcome. I fire this
on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Carole's Perfect White

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: ?
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               52.6       52.63
Lithium carbonate        10.5       10.53
Nepheline syenite        31.6       31.58
EPK                       5.3        5.26
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Tin oxide                 5.3        5.26


NOTE: originally specified 'tin oxide or zircopax' but if using
zircopax a larger quantity (8-10%?) may be required. submitted by:
Claudia O Driscoll e-mail: claudiao@MAILHOST.CLACKAMAS.CC.OR.US

Glaze name: Carole's Perfect White

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: ?
Testing: Untested
Date: 08/01/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               52.6      263.10
Lithium carbonate        10.5       52.70
Nepheline syenite        31.6      157.90
EPK                       5.3       26.30
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      500.00

Also add:

Tin oxide                 5.3       26.30


> ClayArt Listserv recipe < If you find this glaze useful, please
consider submitting it to the GlazeBase project with full
documentation. Use one of the GlazeBase submission formats available
on the CeramicsWeb web page.
 NOTE: originally specified "tin oxide or zircopax" but if using
zircopax a larger quantity (8-10%?) may be required. glaze type: Raku
comments: submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: Clay Raku Timock

Glaze type: Clay (Earthenware Wht)
Cone: 06-04
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Unglazed
Date: 03/08/00

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Fire clay                47.1       40.00
Ball clay                11.8       10.00
Talc                     23.5       20.00
GoldArt                  17.6       15.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0       85.00

Also add:

Grog, med                29.4       25.00
nylon fiber               0.1        0.05


Glaze name: Clear (Soldner's)

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               80.0       80.00
Nepheline syenite        20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: Clear Raku

Glaze type: Ca Na B
Cone: 08 - 04
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Shiny or Glossy
Color: Clear
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/14/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Frit 3110                10.5      842.00
Nepheline Sye            10.5      842.00
Colemanite               52.6     4210.00
Borax                    26.3     2106.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0     8000.00


1971 Glaze Type: Ca Na B. Opacity: . Firing type: Raku . Cone range

Glaze name: Copper Blue Hawaiian

Cone: 08 - 06
Color: turquoise blue
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Bone ash                 20.0       20.00
Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Tin oxide                 1.3        1.30
Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt oxide              2.5        2.50


I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Copper Crap Patty's

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: ?
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          75.0       75.00
C-6 Soda Feldspar        20.0       20.00
Borax                     5.0        5.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00


On that copper Raku vein going on I thought I should throw in my two
cents worth. I like this glaze because it is a little shiny and no
pocket squeezing cobalt. Fire a little hotter (I don't raku with
cones, so I keep an eye on when it 'slicks off' good) or it does a
bizzare bubbly green mess that won't reduce. submitted by: Barbara
Webb e-mail:

Glaze name: Copper Matt Hasselle

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: matte
Color: varied
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Ball clay                20.0       20.00
Copper oxide             80.0       80.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Bentonite                 3.0        3.00


use black copper oxide, not red. CM Jan 1997 I fire this on dark
stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Copper Matte

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: matte
Color: varies
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Ferro frit 3110         100.0      100.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate        400.0      400.00
Bentonite                25.0       25.00


I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Copper Multi Colored Sand Patina

Glaze type: Raku (Copper matt)
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Matte
Transparency: Opaque
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Bone ash                 20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt carbonate          2.5        2.50


This is also Very Nice. submitted by: Peggy Heer e-mail:

Glaze name: Copper Penny

Cone: 012 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Shiny or Glossy
Color: opaque copper metallic
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Potash feldspar          20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          2.0        2.00
Cobalt carbonate          1.0        1.00
Yellow Ochre              7.0        7.00


Hi Tom.. I have a copper sand glaze recipe but is in the studio and
will send it to you when I get it in the the meantime
this rec. is very close and VERY nice. It is similar to the copper
sand you seek. submitted by: Peggy Heer e-mail:

Glaze name: Copper Rainbow Sand Yukio's

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: matte
Color: varies
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               68.0       68.00
Bone ash                 19.4       19.40
Nepheline syenite         9.7        9.70
Lithium carbonate         2.9        2.90
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          4.9        4.90
Cobalt carbonate          0.5        0.50


Not enough redux(?)= yellow green just right=sandy rainbows applied
thick=lizard like scales too thick=falls off when cool, not sharp
pieces I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Copper Razzle Dazzle Phil's

Glaze type: Raku (Copper luster)
Cone: 06
Firing: Raku
Transparency: Opaque
Date: 09/23/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          46.5       46.50
Borax                    46.5       46.50
Ball clay                 7.0        7.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red iron oxide            9.2        9.20
Black copper oxide        4.8        4.80


UF Shop glaze.

Glaze name: Copper Reynold's Rap

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          63.6       63.60
Custer feldspar          12.1       12.10
Silica                   12.1       12.10
Ball clay                 6.1        6.10
Barium carbonate          6.1        6.10
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         12.1       12.10


green to gold; good in cracks..use thickly, reduce heavily submitted
by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail: claudiao@MAILHOST.CLACKAMAS.CC.OR.US

Glaze name: Copper Sand Carl's

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: matte
Color: rainbow
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Bone ash                 20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt oxide              2.5        2.50
Tin oxide                 1.2        1.20


This is a matt copper if pulled fast. pulled slow results in a matt
interesting effect. If you put one /two coats of copper sand and over
that add rainbow , pull very fast you will get a beautiful glossy
multicolored effect. I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley)

Glaze name: Copper Sand Modified

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: matte
Color: varies
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          75.0       75.10
Bone ash                 25.0       25.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.10

Also add:

Copper carbonate          4.8        4.80
Cobalt oxide              2.4        2.40


Reduce lightly - 1-2 pieces of newspaper if you want colors - reduce
a lot for copper penny. Wendy from Bainbridge Island I fire this on
dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Copper Sand Raku

Glaze type: Raku (Copper matt)
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Matt
Transparency: Opaque
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Bone ash                 20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt oxide              2.5        2.50
Tin oxide                 1.3        1.25


submitted by: Tom Buck e-mail:
UF Shop glaze

Glaze name: Crackle Clear Phil's Adjusted

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Gloss
Transparency: Transparent
Color: Clear
Date: 08/09/2003

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Frit 3134                91.0       91.00
Kentucky OM #4            9.0        9.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Bentonite                 4.0        4.00


Glaze name: Crackle CR's Clear

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 06-01
Firing: Raku
Transparency: Transparent
Source: Central
Date: 05/14/2002

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gillespie borate         67.0       67.00
Frit 3124                17.0       17.00
Nepheline syenite        16.0       16.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Add colorants as desired.

Glaze name: Crackle Keator

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 08-06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Gloss
Transparency: Transparent
Color: Clear
Flaws: Crazes
Durability: Poor
Date: 09/23/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          76.2       76.20
Nepheline syenite        19.0       19.00
Kaolin                    4.8        4.80
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Glaze name: CRACKLE RAKU

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: shiny glossy
Color: light blue
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Pemco frit P-25          80.0       80.00
Custer feldspar          20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          1.0        1.00


Good Luck Wendy from Bainbridge Island WA I fire this on dark
stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Crusty Rusty

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Ox. or Red.
Surface texture: Matt
Transparency: Opaque
Testing: Untested
Date: 08/01/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               80.0       80.00
Bone ash                 20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt                    2.5        2.50


> ClayArt Listserv recipe < If you find this glaze useful, please
consider submitting it to the GlazeBase project with full
documentation. Use one of the GlazeBase submission formats available
on the CeramicsWeb web page.

glaze type: Raku comments: submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: Del Favero

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Ox. or Red.
Color: turquoise to copper penny
Testing: Untested
Date: 08/01/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0      400.00
Cornwall Stone           20.0      100.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      500.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          2.0       10.00


> ClayArt Listserv recipe
comments: This is to LJ in Alexandria and anyone else interested in
raku  glazes. We have been using these two glazes along with white
crackle and copper wash and have gotten VERY NICE results. This glaze
is a very pretty turquiose crackle that turns to copper penny luster
with heavy reduction. Apply 4 coats with brush over white stoneware
(we use Miller 510). The glaze tends to crawl if applied too thin.
Again reduce with pine needles and shredded paper if flashing is
desired. If not, I pedestal my piece and use only shredded paper to
avoid scarring. Quench with hose to bring about crackle. source for
original recipe: Robert Piepenburg submitted by: Debbie Altschwager

Glaze name: Del Favero

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Ox. or Red.
Surface texture: Gloss
Color: turquoise to copper penny
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Cornwall Stone           20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          2.0        2.00


This glaze is a very pretty turquiose crackle that turns to copper penny luster with
heavy reduction. Apply 4 coats with brush over white stoneware (we
use Miller 510). The glaze tends to crawl if applied too thin. Again
reduce with pine needles and shredded paper if flashing is desired.
If not, I pedestal my piece and use only shredded paper to avoid
scarring. Quench with hose to bring about crackle. source for
original recipe: Robert Piepenburg submitted by: Debbie Altschwager

Glaze name: Dragonfly

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Ox. or Red.
Testing: Untested
Date: 08/01/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Ferro frit 3134          45.0      225.00
Colemanite               40.0      200.00
EPK                       8.0       40.00
Silica                    7.0       35.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      500.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          6.0       30.00


> ClayArt Listserv recipe < If you find this glaze useful, please
consider submitting it to the GlazeBase project with full
documentation. Use one of the GlazeBase submission formats available
on the CeramicsWeb web page.

glaze type: Raku comments: submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: Dragonfly c08-06

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Ferro frit 3134          45.0       45.00
Colemanite               40.0       40.00
EPK                       8.0        8.00
Silica                    7.0        7.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          6.0        6.00


submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: Eggshell Blue Raku

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 06-04
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Gloss
Transparency: Semi-opaque
Color: Mottled blue to gold orange peel
Date: 03/08/00

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Borax                    50.0       50.00
Gerstley borate          50.0       50.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red iron oxide            0.5        0.50
Copper carbonate          1.0        1.00
Cobalt carbonate          1.6        1.60


Use granular borax. From Jim Romberg, Anderson Ranch 1986

Glaze name: Faux Celadon

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08
Surface texture: Shiny or Glossy
Color: greenish blue
Date: 9/20/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          75.0       75.00
EPK                      10.0       10.00
Silica                   15.0       15.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red iron oxide            2.0        2.00


can also use Black Iron Oxide. I, too, am restricted to an electric
kiln and a Raku garbage can kiln in the backyard. Using the Raku kiln
for reduction (closing the damper and tiger torch port completely
after seeing the glaze melt), I have produced some greenish blue
celadon-like bowls. Similar results have been obtained with a
straight forward raku firing.. Try the following which is more or
less a cone 08 glaze and can be easily modified. submitted by:
Francoise, Ralph Melville e-mail:

Glaze name: Flame Drops

Glaze type: Raku
Firing: Raku
Date: 09/23/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Magnesium carbonate      30.8       30.80
Lithium carbonate        15.4       15.40
Gerstley borate          53.8       53.90
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.10

Also add:

Copper carbonate          4.6        4.60
Chromium oxide            0.3        0.30


Glaze name: Fools Gold

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: shiny glossy
Color: gold luster
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Ferro frit 3110          49.3       49.26
Gerstley borate          19.7       19.70
EPK                       7.9        7.88
Nepheline syenite        21.7       21.67
Silver nitrate            1.5        1.48
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0       99.99

Also add:

Tin oxide                 2.0        1.97
Rutile                    2.0        1.97
Yellow ochre              2.0        1.97


7mls. of dissolved solution (below) = 1.50 grams (less stable)Silver
nitrate is poison and corrosive. In solution, if spilled, it stains
the surface a revolting liver colour forever. If splashed on hands or
skin...liver again for many weeks. Rehearsal for age spots. Crystals
are the way to go. Silver nitrate crystals are weighed by grams and
added to distilled water. The ratio is one gram to 10 mls of water.
So 5 grams go into 50 mls. etc. Store the dissolved solution in a
coloured bottle and keep it out of light. When measuring the solution
to be added to your glaze WEAR RUBBER GLOVES,CLOTHING YOU HATE and
open the windows wide. This stuff doesn't smell at all but it's
powerful . Add the needed amount to the MIXED and SIEVED glaze and
stir carefully. It will make the texture of the glaze peculiar at
first, sort of curdled but keep on stirring and it will smooth out.
Wash the stirring implement thoroughly especially if it's metal. This
glaze is best painted on in three smooth coats. Use a special brush
for this glaze as it will be perm. stained black. I fire this on dark
stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: GLASS RED

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: shiny
Color: coppery red
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/14/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

                        -----    --------
Totals:                   0.0        0.00

Also add:

Iron oxide               14.4       14.40
Copper Carbonate	10.00	1   13.0       13.00


Reduction during firing may help get red.

Glaze name: Gun Metal

Cone: 08 - 06
Color: gun metal gray?
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          75.0       75.00
Nepheline syenite        25.0       25.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         75.0       75.00
Red iron oxide           75.0       75.00


This Gun Metal Glaze is great! Many variation with overlaps and
variations in firing. I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley)

Glaze name: Hawaiian Blue

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 06-01
Firing: Raku
Transparency: Opaque
Color: Blue
Source: Central
Date: 05/14/2002

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gillespie borate         80.0       80.00
Synthetic bone ash       20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00
Cobalt carbonate          2.5        2.50
Tin oxide                 1.3        1.30


Glaze name: Kansas City Red.

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: matte
Color: orange brown
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               50.0       50.00
Borax                    50.0       50.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Rutile                   50.0       50.00


I used all ingredients except the copper carbonate The colour is rich
orange-brown matt - I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Large Crackle

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: crackle
Color: white
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          60.0       60.00
Spodumene                35.0       35.00
Kentucky Ball Clay        5.0        5.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Lori's Suprise Purple

Cone: 08
Firing: raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 6/3/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Ferro Frit 3110         100.0      100.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate        600.0      600.00
Red iron oxide           66.7       66.67
Cobalt oxide             33.3       33.33


Some one on the list recently asked for a purple raku glaze. What I
thought I had here when I was mixing it was a copper matt untill I
lifted it out from under the reduction can. At first it was almost
black but inside of 15 mins it is the deepest prettiest purple I have
ever seen and I have no idea who gave the receipe to me. They sure do
deserve credit. I sprayed this on JM5, a buff colored ^5 stoneware I
had bisqued to ^08. I fired it in a small old electric I sometimes
use for raku to 1830. After pulling it we went right to a pile of
sand with 8' x8' piece of slick newspaper on the botton and as we
covered it we threw in another the same size on top of the pot,
covered it with the can sealing the edges, waited about an hour
untill it was cool enough to touch and got the purple surprise. If
someone uses this glaze I would really like to hear about their
results. submitted by: Lori Wilkinson e-mail:

Glaze name: Mecham White

Cone: 08
Firing: raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 6/3/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               80.0       80.00
Cornwall Stone           20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Add the following to the base to get purple: 4 Manganese dioxide. 1
Cobalt oxide. I am sure that the above mixture added to any base will
do the trick. The book also has many other combinations to obtain
different colors. To get dark blue, add cobalt oxide or cobalt
carbonate. John Termeulen Trenton , Ontario submitted by: John
Termeulen e-mail: source for original
recipe: Robert Piepenburg's Raku Pottery

Glaze name: Moondust

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Magnesium carbonate      37.0       37.00
Borax                    28.0       28.00
EPK                      14.0       14.00
Lithium carbonate         7.0        7.00
Colemanite               14.0       14.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         10.0       10.00


submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: Opaque Gloss Crackle

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 06-01
Firing: Raku
Transparency: Opaque
Source: Central
Date: 05/14/2002

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gillespie borate         41.9      419.00
Potash feldspar          32.4      324.00
Frit 3289                14.9      149.00
Flint                    10.8      108.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0     1000.00


For blue, add cobalt carbonate 0.5 to 1%
For green, add copper carbonate 3 to 6%

Glaze name: Piepenburg Patina (lizzardo)

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: matte
Color: varied
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Bone ash                 33.3       33.33
Gerstley borate          44.4       44.44
Nepheline syenite        22.2       22.22
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0       99.99

Also add:

Copper carbonate         11.1       11.11


CM Jan 1997 I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Piepenburg Red Bronze

Cone: 08 - 06
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          50.0       50.00
Ferro frit 3134          50.0       50.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Black copper oxide        2.5        2.50
Tin oxide                 3.0        3.01


CM Jan 1997 I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Post Pac Man

Cone: 08 - 06
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Bone ash                 14.3       14.29
Gerstley borate          71.4       71.42
Nepheline syenite        14.3       14.29
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         14.3       14.29
Red iron oxide            1.9        1.86


I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Raku #1

Cone: 08
Firing: raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 12/6/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          62.7       62.66
Potash feldspar          12.7       12.66
Flint                    12.0       12.03
Ball clay                 6.3        6.33
Barium carb               6.3        6.33
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.01


Chris D.Tyler

Glaze name: Raku #2

Cone: 08
Firing: raku
Testing: Untested
Date: 12/6/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Frit 3195                65.0       65.00
Feldspar                 20.0       20.00
Kaolin                    5.0        5.00
Whiting                  10.0       10.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Here is a white crackle that is
used at the community collage in Hemet Ca. gerestley borate 65
nepheline syenite 20 epk 5 silica 10 This is a clear base For white
add Zircopax 10 For Turqouise add copper carb 3  Also you might want to check out Carl
Baker's web page. Carl Baker he has an excellent how-to on white crackle.

Glaze name: Raku 4

Glaze type: Ca B
Cone: 08 - 04
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Shiny or Glossy
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/14/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               70.0       70.00
Clay                     30.0       30.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


 Glaze Type: Ca B. Opacity: . Firing type: Raku .Cone range a guess.

Glaze name: Raku White Crackle (A.N.)

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Satin Matte
Color: Opaque White
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/14/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Frit 5301                40.0       40.00
Gerstley borate          60.0       60.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Ulrox                    20.0       20.00


From a University of Georgia class handout on glaze & clay from Andy
Nasisse. Add 5-15% copper carbonate for bright turquoise.

Glaze name: Razzle Dazzle Phil's

Glaze type: Raku (Copper luster)
Cone: 08-06
Firing: Raku
Transparency: Opaque
Date: 09/23/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          46.5       46.50
Borax                    46.5       46.50
Ball clay                 7.0        7.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red iron oxide            9.2        9.20
Black copper oxide        4.8        4.80


UF Shop glaze.

Glaze name: Red Green Raku

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: glossy shiny
Color: red or green
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Custer feldspar          20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate          3.0        3.00


this is a fast pull for a very shiny gold. Slow pull results in a
green or red with some gold. Might want to experiment with various
reduction for different effects... I fire this on dark stoneware
(Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Red Lustre Buck #7

Cone: 06 - 07
Firing: raku
Surface texture: Matte
Color: red
Testing: Untested
Date: 1/13/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Borax                    35.0       35.00
Ferro frit 3278          34.0       34.00
Gerstley borate          23.0       23.00
Kaolin                    8.0        8.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red copper oxide         10.0       10.00
Red iron oxide           10.0       10.00


Use Borax Decahydrate. Here, designed by me, are two copper red matt
lustres. This one is for fresh mix daily, or dry mix and wet only
what you can use in a day. The borax is washing machine borax. Pemco
frit 830 or Hommel frit K3 will work also. Use a few drops of
detergent to disperse colorant oxides. The above glaze is quite fluid
at C07/06 and needs to be heavily reduced. Move from kiln to
reduction medium as quickly as possible and leave 20 minutes or so.
It produces brillant reds with some blue flashes. High gloss finish
most of the time. There you go. I have used these glazes with good
results. They are BTW variations of Carol Townsend's original 'Tomats
Red' submitted by: Tom Buck via Rob Curfman e-mail:

Glaze name: Red Lustre Buck #7

Cone: 07 - 06
Surface texture: matt
Color: red
Date: 1/13/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Borax                    35.0       35.00
Ferro frit 3278          34.0       34.00
Gerstley borate          23.0       23.00
Kaolin                    8.0        8.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red copper oxide         10.0       10.00
Red iron oxide           10.0       10.00


Use Borax Decahydrate. Here, designed by me, are two copper red matt
lustres. This one is for fresh mix daily, or dry mix and wet only
what you can use in a day. The borax is washing machine borax. Pemco
frit 830 or Hommel frit K3 will work also. Use a few drops of
detergent to disperse colorant oxides. The above glaze is quite fluid
at C07/06 and needs to be heavily reduced. Move from kiln to
reduction medium as quickly as possible and leave 20 minutes or so.
It produces brillant reds with some blue flashes. High gloss finish
most of the time. There you go. I have used these glazes with good
results. They are BTW variations of Carol Townsend's original Tomats
Red submitted by: Tom Buck via Rob Curfman e-mail:

Glaze name: Red Lustre Buck #8

Cone: 07 - 06
Surface texture: matt
Color: red
Date: 1/13/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          38.0       38.00
Ferro frit 3134          31.0       31.00
Ferro frit 3195          31.0       31.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red copper oxide         10.0       10.00
Red iron oxide           10.0       10.00


Here, designed by me, are two copper red matt lustres. Use a few
drops of detergent to disperse colorant oxides. A non-soluble
(mostly) mix that can go on shelf. This version is much more matt and
gives various hues of red no blues worth mentioning. It needs heavy
reduction. There you go. I have used these glazes with good results.
They are BTW variations of Carol Townsend's original Tomats Red
submitted by: Tom Buck via Rob Curfman e-mail:

Glaze name: Red Lustre Buck #8

Cone: 06 - 07
Firing: raku
Surface texture: matt
Color: red
Testing: Untested
Date: 1/13/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          38.0       38.00
Ferro Frit 3134          31.0       31.00
Ferro Frit 3195          31.0       31.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Red copper oxide         10.0       10.00
Red iron oxide           10.0       10.00


Here, designed by me, are two copper red matt lustres. Use a few
drops of detergent to disperse colorant oxides. A non-soluble
(mostly) mix that can go on shelf. This version is much more matt and
gives various hues of red no blues worth mentioning. It needs heavy
reduction. There you go. I have used these glazes with good results.
They are BTW variations of Carol Townsend's original 'Tomats Red'
submitted by: Tom Buck via Rob Curfman e-mail:

Glaze name: Red Raku

Glaze type: Raku (Reduction)
Cone: 05
Firing: Oxidation
Surface texture: Gloss
Date: 03/08/00

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               50.0       60.00
Borax                    50.0       60.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      120.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate         10.0       12.00
Rutile                   50.0       60.00


From Jim Romberg, Anderson Ranch '86

Glaze name: Rick's

Cone: 07 - 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: shiny
Color: white, mostly opaque
Testing: Untested
Date: 11/14/98

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley Borate	53.34	9   31.6       10.00
Nepheline Syenite	13.33	2   19.0        6.00
Frit 3124	30.00	5        19.0        6.00
EPK                      30.4        9.60
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0       31.60

Also add:

Zircopax	6.67	1           9.5        3.00


A nice white raku base glaze.  Great with 10-15% of any glaze stain.
Originally, 2 parts Clear Crackle Glaze, 1 part NewBatz Glaze.

Glaze name: Rusty Velvet

Glaze type: Raku (Reduction)
Cone: 07-04
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Matt
Transparency: Opaque
Date: 07/25/2003

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Lithium carbonate        70.0       70.00
Borax                    10.0       10.00
Bentonite                15.0       15.00
Feldspar                  5.0        5.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Chrome oxide              8.0        8.00


Reddish-brown Wdry black areas. 07 gives a drier look. From Clay Times Jul/Aug 03,
p. 44.

Glaze name: Shadow Slip

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: slip or engobe
Color: resist slip
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Fire clay                50.0       50.00
EPK                      30.0       30.00
Alumina hydrate          20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Leaves pattern Reducing Alumina to 10% makes it easier to remove No
glaze is used. To make this stuff stick I terra sig and burnish the
pot, wet it, then pour on this stuff thick and gloppy. It's hard to
prevent some from falling off but removal is easy at the end.

Glaze name: Silver luster

Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: raku
Surface texture: glossy luster
Color: silvery luster
Testing: Untested
Date: 12/7/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Pemco frit P-25          42.1       42.07
Ferro frit 3134          27.1       27.13
Lithium carbonate         9.7        9.71
EPK                       6.2        6.24
Silica                   13.9       13.86
Soda ash                  1.0        0.99
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Bentonite                 2.0        1.98
Silver nitrate            2.1        2.08


It's a great base. Yea, I used to use this. add CMC John Britt
Dys-Functional Pottery

Glaze name: Silver Luster Raku

Cone: 016 - 010
Firing: Ox. or Red.
Surface texture: luster
Color: silvery
Testing: Untested
Date: 12/7/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

pemco Frit P-25          42.5       42.50
Ferro frit 3134          27.4       27.40
Lithium carbonate         9.8        9.80
Kaolin, (EPK)             6.3        6.30
Silica                   14.0       14.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Bentonite                 2.0        2.00


add C.M.C. 1 tsp Hereis a base raku glaze with 3 silver variations I
found in Chappell's book. I haven't tested it. Firing temp give as
^016-010 For silver lustres use silver nitrate in the amount of 2.1%
and soda ash in the amt of 1 gram per mix. For silver lusters with
greenish tints add chrome oxide in the amount of 1.2% to above. For
silver lusters with bluish tints use the first variation and add
1.1%_____________________________________ Nan Dufresne, an old lady
in NE Wisconsin nan dufresne

Glaze name: Silver Nitrate Glaze

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: shiny glossy
Color: luster
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          74.3       74.26
Nepheline syenite        19.8       19.80
EPK                       5.0        4.95
Silver nitrate            1.0        0.99
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


1 gram of silver nitrate is 10 mls. of the solution below ( that's
one dissolved gram) Silver nitrate is poison and corrosive. In
solution, if spilled, it stains the surface a revolting liver colour
forever. If splashed on hands or skin...liver again for many weeks.
Rehearsal for age spots. Crystals are the way to go. Silver nitrate
crystals are weighed by grams and added to distilled water. The ratio
is one gram to 10 mls of water. So 5 grams go into 50 mls. etc. Store
the dissolved solution in a coloured bottle and keep it out of light.
When measuring the solution to be added to your glaze WEAR RUBBER
GLOVES,CLOTHING YOU HATE and open the windows wide. This stuff
doesn't smell at all but it's powerful . Add the needed amount to the
MIXED and SIEVED glaze and stir carefully. It will make the texture
of the glaze peculiar at first, sort of curdled but keep on stirring
and it will smooth out. Wash the stirring implement thoroughly
especially if it's metal. This glaze is best painted on in three
smooth coats. Use a special brush for this glaze as it will be perm.
stained black. I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Silver Raku luster

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: glossy luster
Color: silvery luster
Date: 12/7/96

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Pemco frit P-25          42.1       42.07
Ferro frit 3134          27.1       27.13
Lithium carbonate         9.7        9.71
EPK                       6.2        6.24
Silica                   13.9       13.86
Soda ash                  1.0        0.99
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Bentonite                 2.0        1.98
Silver nitrate            2.1        2.08


It's a great base. Yea, I used to use this. add CMC John Britt
Dys-Functional Pottery

Glaze name: Slip (w/Glaze) Jacobsons'

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: slip or engobe
Color: resist slip
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Lincoln 60 Clay          40.0       40.00
#6 Tile clay             30.0       30.00
Grog (Ione 412)          20.0       20.00
Custer feldspar          10.0       10.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Lincoln 60 is a fireclay - most will probably work. Glaze 60% Ferro
Frit 3110 40% Gerstley Borate Bisque to Cone 012-010 Fire to cone
014, smoke, water-quench, peel

Glaze name: Soldner Raku

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 06
Date: 08/09/2003

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          80.0       80.00
Kona F-4 feldspar        20.0       20.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Iron chromate            10.0       10.00
Copper carbonate          5.0        5.00


Glaze name: Sunday Copper Matt

Cone: 08 - 06
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Ferro frit 3110         100.0      100.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Copper carbonate        900.0      900.00
Bentonite                20.0       20.00


CM Jan 1997 I fire this on dark stoneware (Death Valley) from

Glaze name: Takihara Raku

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 06-04
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Gloss
Transparency: Opaque
Color: White
Date: 01/10/01

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Frit 3134                79.4       79.40
Silica                    4.8        4.80
Kaolin                    7.9        7.90
Zircopax                  7.9        7.90
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Bentonite                 1.6        1.60


From Kurt Wilde. Article in Clay Times Nov./Dec. 2000 v.6 no.6 on
calligraphy on raku pots.p.22
Fire until over-melt achieved. Remove from kiln for 30 sec. for crackle,
then reduce.

Glaze name: Tomato Red

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08
Firing: raku
Surface texture: Shiny or Glossy
Color: Opaque coppery Red
Testing: Untested
Date: 08/01/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          50.0      250.00
Borax                    50.0      250.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      500.00

Also add:

Copper oxide             20.0      100.00
Red iron oxide            5.0       25.00


> ClayArt Listserv recipe < If you find this glaze useful, please
consider submitting it to the GlazeBase project with full
documentation. Use one of the GlazeBase submission formats available
on the CeramicsWeb web page.

comments: for a blue variation.... copper oxide 3% cobalt oxide 3%
instead of the previous colorants. submitted by: John Michael Davis
source for original recipe: Carol Townsend i think??? e-mail:

Glaze name: Variable Clear Raku

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: shiny glossy
Color: clear crackle
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               54.0       54.00
Custer spar              20.0       20.00
Barium carbonate         10.0       10.00
Flint                     6.0        6.00
Plastic vitrox            6.0        6.00
Ball clay                 4.0        4.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Combination of Transparent Peace and Sorta White Raku We have
variable results with this one... Most of the time it's a great
transparent crackle. It looks wonderful over dark clays and any clay
with engobe decoration etc. But sometimes it has a gnarly
texture....overfired? underfired? I fire this on dark stoneware
(Death Valley) from

Glaze name: White Carole's Perfect

Glaze type: Raku
Cone: 08 - 06
Firing: Raku
Date: 7/19/95

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Colemanite               52.6       52.60
Lithium carbonate        10.5       10.50
Nepheline syenite        31.6       31.60
EPK                       5.3        5.30
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00

Also add:

Tin oxide                 5.3        5.30


NOTE: originally specified tin oxide or zircopax but if using
zircopax a larger quantity (8-10%?) may be required. glaze type: Raku
submitted by: Claudia O Driscoll e-mail:

Glaze name: White Crackle Phil's

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Gloss
Transparency: Semi-opaque
Color: White
Date: 09/23/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Frit 5301                 9.6        9.60
Frit 3195                80.8       80.90
EPK                       9.6        9.60
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.10

Also add:

Ultrox                    8.6        8.60


Glaze name: White Crackle Phil's

Glaze type: Raku (Crackle)
Cone: 06
Firing: Raku
Surface texture: Gloss
Transparency: Semi-opaque
Color: White
Date: 09/23/2001

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Frit 5301                 9.6        9.60
Frit 3195                80.8       80.90
EPK                       9.6        9.60
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.10

Also add:

Ultrox                    8.6        8.60


Glaze name: White crackle- Piepenburg

Cone: 08 - 06
Surface texture: shiny crackle
Color: white
Date: 6/24/97

Recipe: (Percent, Batch)

Gerstley borate          45.0       45.00
Wood ash                 35.0       35.00
Flint                    15.0       15.00
Zinc oxide                5.0        5.00
                        -----    --------
Totals:                 100.0      100.00


Another excellent white crackel given by Piepenburg Good Luck! Marvin Flowerman